If you need someone to speak to, if you have concerns about someone in your class, or if you need to report something suspicious you can approach any member of staff to assist you with this. We also have a Designated Safeguarding Lead who will respond to your concern. The flow chart shows how we will deal with your Safeguarding Concern.
We also have a direct email link below.

To contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead during the daytime, report to the main office in room 7 or call the APT telephone number 01733 269 148
Alternatively, you can email directly on safeguarding@peterborough.ac.uk
Further information on safeguarding can be found in the following documents:
For additional support external to APT, please see the list of useful websites on this page.
Would you spot the signs if someone was being radicalised?
Prevent Strategy
- Extremism is the “Vocal or active opposition to British values”
- Prevent is the government initiative to help stop vulnerable people becoming extremist/criminals.
What to do if you suspect someone is acting as an extremist or being radicalised:
- If you are concerned, don’t ignore it
- If you feel confident, question it
- If you can, share your concerns with staff or agency

Someone could display all, some or one of these vulnerabilities. There are no set profiles for someone vulnerable to radicalisation.
The Signs

Again someone who is being or has been radicalised may display some or all of the signs, equally they may not display any signs.
Action Counters Terrorism campaign
If you have concerns that someone you know is being radicalised you can report it using the link below:
ACT Early | Prevent radicalisation
If you’ve seen or heard something that could suggest a terrorist threat to the UK and APT is closed, report it at The Metropolitan Police website:
Report terrorist or extremist content online – Action Counters Terrorism (campaign.gov.uk)
They monitor this service 24 hours a day.
The Met hosts this reporting service on behalf of all UK police forces.
Below is the official Counter Terrorism Policing Team’s advice as to what to do in the unlikely event of being caught up in a situation where you are fearful for your safety. It only takes 5 minutes to watch but it may just save your life. We encourage all of our staff and students to watch.
You can also find out what to do in a weapons or firearms situation while at APT according to the Counter Terrorism Policing Team.